About me

Hi, I'm Fiadh! I am fluent in Portuguese, French, and English, and I am currently learning German.

I was born in the 2000s and take pride in my rich cultural heritage. I am particularly fascinated by the history of the Lusitans (Celts) before the Romans' arrival. Having lived and visited three continents - Africa, America, and Europe - I consider myself an explorer. My interests span across various domains, including games, music, Japanese pop culture, and more.

I embarked on a personal adventure, creating a website using HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT, ultimately evolving into a full-stack developer. In the realm of online communities, I've served on staff roles in significant Discord servers, showcasing my skills in management, leadership, and security. Presently, I am the proud owner of the largest association within the Lusophone Discord community - The Black Lotus Association.

While I enjoy playing various games, my current focus revolves around Genshin Impact and occasionally Minecraft.

For those curious about personality types, a test on 16personalities.com categorizes me as ENFP-T (Type: Turbulent Campaigner, Role: Diplomat, Strategy: Social Engagement). However, I approach this classification with a degree of skepticism, as it's not something I heavily rely on or believe in.

What i'm doing

  • Websites

    Building websites in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. DNS connections and server stability.

  • Discord Bot

    Building personal Discord bots with various features such as moderation, entertainment, and utilities.

  • Server Security

    Securing Discord servers against raids, nukes, and other issues. Security checks and implementation of defenses.

  • Communities projects

    Investment in multiple projects aiming for the well-being and growth of various communities.



Academic Path

  1. High School

    - 2018

    Like every teenager, I attended high school - a formative period filled with unforgettable memories and experiences that shaped who I am today. From navigating the hallways bustling with students to sitting through captivating classes, high school was a journey of self-discovery and growth. I even had the opportunity to experience the American high school culture while in Canada.

  2. Theater & Cinema

    2019 - 2021

    On a whim, I decided to enhance my expressive skills by delving into something I've always admired: theater and cinema. Consequently, I seized the opportunity to enroll in what, in my opinion, is one of the finest schools in this domain. There, I was warmly received with an honorable mention and was even offered a scholarship following my admission selection casting.

Personal Experience

  1. Designer

    2017 - 2019

    Even while in school, I took the initiative to enroll in a designer internship at a company. This experience proved to be so enriching that I ended up working there even after completing my training. The transition from intern to a full-fledged member of the team was a rewarding step, allowing me to put my newly acquired skills into practice and actively contribute to the company's success.

  2. Minecraft Servers Creator

    2019 - 2021

    In 2019, I discovered Discord, and with it, the world of Minecraft servers/networks. I specialized in it to the extent of participating in large-scale projects, whether they were international or private.

  3. Server Management

    2022 -

    With the time I spent on Discord, a new world opened up to me: communities. I learned many things there, including moderation, community marketing, team management, and much more. It's a field in constant expansion where we learn something new every day.

  4. Developer

    2022 -

    With the need to manage multiple communities, a thirst for learning more to better serve the members grew within me. Consequently, I made the decision to venture into programming. Today, I specialize in web development (front-end) and Discord bots.

My skills

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • Linux Server Administration and Web Infrastructure

My Discord skills

  • Administration
  • Security
  • Moderation


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